Profile profile for William Blackwood

William Forester de Blacwode


30 Jun 2019


Innilgard (Adelaide, SA)

Contact Details

PH: +61 (0)407 771 538



  • I33: Fencing in the Style of Walpurgis Manuscript Andrew Kenner
  • Medieval Sword & Buckler Combat: Book Three in die Schlachschule Unarmoured Combat Series Hugh T. Knight, Jr
  • Guildmaster Tariq ibn Jelal's Instant Guild Library v1.0
  • Vincientio Saviolo His Practise
  • True Art of Defence Giacomo DiGrassi 1594
  • Paradoxes of Defence' and Brief Instructions on my Paradoxes of Defence George Silver
  • Hand S. English Swordsmanship Vol 1
  • Lo Schermo D'Angelo Viggiani translated by William Swanger
  • The Medieval Art of Swordsmanship (the I33 manual) translation by Forgeng J.
  • Wagner, P. and Hand, S. Medieval Sword and Shield: The Combat System of Royal Armouries MS I.33
  • Oakschott R E The Archaeology of Weapons
  • Oakschott R E Records of the Medieval Sword
  • Fiore de' Liberi's Fior di Battaglia, MS Getty Ludwig XV13 Italian Swordsmanship Treatise Tom Leoni
  • Gran Simulacro Dell'Arte Dell'uso Della Schermo Cappo Ferro
  • Fencing: A Renaissance Treatise by Camillo Agrippa edited by Ken Mondschein
  • In Saint George's Name An Anthology of Medieval German Fighting Arts Christian Henry Tobler
  • Spada Anthology of Swordsmanship edited by Stephen Hand
  • Extracts from Swetnam, Lignitzer, Leichtenauer and others.

Research Interests

  • Sword and buckler fencing from I33 through to later German and Italian forms. I am currently playing with the two handed longsword, sword and buckler, and messer, generally in the German tradition.
  • Exploring the possibilities of Cut and Thrust. Would like to understand more thoroughly the history and techniques of sword and buckler fencing in the medieval and renaissance periods in Europe.

Teaching Speciality

Enjoy teaching sword and buckler, Italian rapier (based mostly on DeGrassi), and exploring the I.33 manual.


Started with the Society in the late 90's. Held a variety of roles in Innilgard including Archery Marshal, Seneschal, Herald, and Chronicler.

Took up Rapier a few years after joining the Society and slowly worked my way through the Guild ranks.

On the Twentieth Day of July AS XXXVIII (2003) at the Royal Guild of Defence Prize Day, before her Excellency Baroness Alycie of Stirling, Scholar William Forester de Blacwode did play his Free Scholar's Prize in rapier and buckler. The candidate was examined by Free Scholars Dafydd Wallraven and Bonnie of Blessed Herman, Journeyman Gregory Tortouse de Sloleye and Provost Sir Haos Windchaser. The body of examiners did agree that the scholar had successfully played the Prize, and did acknowledge and advance him to the rank of Free Scholar.

On the Ninth Day of April AS XXXVIII (2004), at Rowany Festival, Free Scholar William Forester de Blacwode, sponsored by Provost Aylwin Greymane, did play his Journeyman's Prize in single rapier, rapier and buckler and case of rapier. The body of examiners did agree that the Free Scholar had successfully played the Prize, and did acknowledge and advance him to the rank of Journeyman.

On the 4th Day of October AS XLIV (2009), at the Great Southern Gathering, Journeyman William Forester de Blacwode, sponsored by Provosts Viscount Don Aylwin Greymane and Sir Haos Windchaser, did play his Provost's Prize in the forms of Single Rapier, Rapier and Dagger, Rapier and Baton, Rapier and Buckler and Case of Rapier. The candidate was examined by Ancient Guildmaster Dameon Greybeard, Guildmasters ibn Jelal ad-Adib and Dona Silfren the Singer, and Provosts Sir Wolfram Flammenherz and Gregory Tortouse de Sloleye. After due discussion and consideration, the examiners did agree that the candidate had successfully played the Prize and he was elevated to the rank of Provost.

On Saturday the Seventh Day of July AS XLVII (2012) at the MidWinter Coronation in Innilgard, Provost William Blackwood did play his Guildmaster's Prize in the following weapons: Rapier; Rapier and Dagger; Case of Rapier; Sword and Buckler; Rapier and Rotella; Rapier and Parrying Gauntlet; and Rapier and  Baton.  He was examined by Ancient Guildmasters Dameon Greybeard and Francois Henri Guyon and by Guildmasters Silfren the Singer, Caleb Adolphus, Henry Fox, Tariq ibn Jelal and Owain Cantor ap Hughe.

Upon due consideration, the Guildmasters did agree that the candidate had successfully played his Prize and elevated William Blackwood to the august rank of Guildmaster in the Royal Guild of Defence.

Guildmaster William received the sash of Dona Silfren the Singer, which was presented to him from the hand of Queen Beatrice.

On the 3rd of April, AS XLIX (2015) at Rowany Festival XXXIII, Their Majesties Kinggiyadai and Altani did elevate William Forester de Blacwode to the Order of the Laurel, for his knowledge, reasearch and teaching in the art and science of period fencing.

On the 30th of June, AS LIV (2019) at Rowany Festival XXXIII, Their Majesties Felix and Eva did elevate William Forester de Blacwode to the Order of the Order, for his prowess, teaching and support of the Kingdom in the art and science of period fencing. William received Maestro ibn Jelal's collar studded with Laurel Wreaths, and a medallion from Master Owain.