Profile profile for Francois Guyon
The son borne by Hope, the daughter of the preceding king Guyon, from the embrace of the war-god Mars was condemned by Queen Spite, the then present ruler of Burley, to be cast into the river. The queen's servants took the child and carried him from Burley as far as the forest on the Black Hill; but when they tried to descend the hill to the river, to carry out the command, they found that the river had risen, and they were unable to reach its bed. They therefore thrust the tub with the child into the shallow water at the shore.
It floated for a while; but the water promptly receded, and knocking against a stone, the tub capsized, and the screaming infant was upset into the river mud. He was heard by a she-Griffin who had just brought forth and had her udders full of milk; she came and gave her teats to the boy, to nurse him, and as he was drinking she licked him clean with her tongue. Above him flew a Pegasus, which guarded the child, and also carried food to him. The father was providing for his son: for the Griffin and the Pegasus are animals consecrated to father Mars. This was seen by one of the town herdsmen, who were driving pigs back to the pasture from which the water had receded. Startled by the spectacle, he summoned his mates, who found the she-Griffin attending like a mother to the child, and the child treated her as his mother. The men made a loud noise to scare the animal away; but the Griffin was not afraid; she left the child, but not from fear; slowly, without heeding the herdsmen, she disappeared into the wilderness of the forest, at the holy site of Faunus, where the water gushes from a gully of the mountain.
Meanwhile the men picked up the boy and carried them to the chief swineherd of the city fathers of Politarchopolis, for they believed that the gods did not wish the child to perish. But the old fencing master of France had just released his last apprentice and was full of sorrow. The city fathers gave him the boy, and he fostered and raised the child, and named him François.
In time the boy grew into a man, and he left his old master to seek his fortune. During his travels he found a grumpy and lame ape, which he befriended. The two companions continued on and found a wondrous Society, built of dreams and high ideals. They beheld this wonder and felt it was good, however François was puzzled. The members of this Society proclaimed to be wondrous fighters, however they did not use any of the gentle art or noble science he had learnt in his youth from the old fencing master. Bemused, he pondered this dilemma, where upon he was struck with inspiration from mighty Mars in the form of a vision. When he awoke he did relate the vision to his companion who agreed it was a worthy and noble vision. The two then laboured mightily, forming rules to bind men, and weapons with which they could practice in safety, and finally convinced the King over the waters that this vision should come to fruition. Thus was fencing born in Lochac, and the two did go forth and preach the noble cause.
One day during this quest, François did find a lonely sad Englishman deep in his cups, bent upon his own destruction at the tables of The Tavern. In purest charity, François did raise up the Englishman, and tell him of his vision which filled the Englishman with strength and purpose, and he joined with François as the third companion, and he too began preaching of the wonders of the art and science of fence.
Some may call this myth and some may call this truth. What we do know is that for this vision, charity and hard labour he is called the First True Don of Lochac.
On the 1st of Oct AS XXXIII (1998), Their Royal Majesties Jade & Siobhan did officially recognise the West Kingdom Royal Guild of Fence, and did elevate François Henri Guyon to the rank of Ancient Guildmaster.
On the 19th of April, AS XXXVII (2003), Their Royal Majesties Cornelius and Morwynna did elevate François Henri Guyon to the Order of the White Scarf of Lochac. The scarf given to Don François was the scarf received by Adib ibn Jelal from Don Tivar Moondragon.
On the 28th of November, AS LI (2015), Their Majesties Steffan and Branwen did elevate François Henri Guyon to the Order of the Masters of Defence of Lochac. The Collar and Medalion given to François were received from Master Dameon Greybeard.
Safiyya Fiore da Rabbata Cadet 15 March AS 52