Profile profile for ibn Jelal
Maestro ibn Jelal joined the Society in 1992, and first got interested with fencing in 1996 as part of the effort by the Shire of Dismal Fogs to expand their activities. As luck would have it, the infamous West Kingdom fencing ban™ happenned about 2 months after they started! He started training again in mid-1998, when Peter Linich, Maestro di Scherma (aka Professor Pietro di Roma) started teaching SCA members at the College of St Augustine. Under this expert tuition, ibn Jelal went on to quickly move through the Guild ranks, playing his Journeyman's Prize in midwinter 1999, and his Provost's Prize at Festival 2000.
This Provost's Prize was a watershed in Guild history, as he and Silfren both played their prizes according to the tenets of the London Masters of Defence. This was the first time anyone in the Kingdom had done so, and has since become the standard method for playing the prize. Festival 2000 also saw ibn Jelal step up as Lochac Rapier Marshal and go on to revitalise the Rapier Marshallate. Later that year, ibn Jelal, along with the other Provosts resident in Rowany, established the Rowany Guild School for the provision of structured fencing tuition to the populace of Rowany. The school is still thriving to this day.
At Rowany Festival (Easter) AS XXXVI (2002), ibn Jelal played his Guildmaster's Prize against Ancient Guildmasters Francois Henri Guyon and Dameon Greybeard, as well as the Crown's Courtier Michael of Castle Keep. The prize was played before HRM Portia, who along with the Guildmasters present deemed ibn Jelal worthy of elevation. Guildmaster ibn Jelal was the first and only Lochac Guildmaster of Fence to have played his Prize before elevation under the West Kingdom Guild rules.
On the 6th of July, AS XXXVII (2002), Their Royal Majesties Alfar and Elspeth did elevate Táriq ibn Jelal ibn Ziyadatallah al-Naysábúrí to the Order of the White Scarf of Lochac. The scarf given to Adib ibn Jelal was a gift from Don Tivar Moondragon, the first Don of the SCA.
Midwinter 2002, also saw Lochac become a Kingdom, and ibn Jelal now found himself the new Kingdom Rapier Marshal. Adib ibn Jelal was also the first Lord Guildmaster of Lochac's Royal Guild of Defence, serving as the interim Lord Guildmaster from the formation of the Kingdom, until the formal signing of the Guild's Charter by TRM Cornelius and Morwyna on 24th day of May AS XXVIII (2003). He then formally continued in the office as the Lord Guildmaster.
On the 12th of December, AS XLV (2010), Their Royal Majesties Edmund and Eleanor did elevate Táriq ibn Jelal ibn Ziyadatallah al-Naysábúrí to the Order of the Laurel for his research and teaching in the field of period fence.
On the 2nd of December, AS LII (2017), Their Royal Majesties Steffan and Branwen did elevate Táriq ibn Jelal ibn Ziyadatallah al-Naysábúrí to the Order of the Defence for his exceptional prowess and ongoing support of the fencing community of Lochac. He received his medallion from Master Greybeard, and his collar was made from the same material used to make his replacement White Scarf, and the White Scarves for Dona Sabine d'Ricold da Forli, and Don William de Cameron.